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2015 Painting of the Month Winners 
Each month artists may bring their framed paintings for Painting of the Month contest.  During refreshments, the members present vote on the winner.
Asel Art Supply donates two prizes.  One each to 1st and 2nd place winners.  Bring your painting and join in the fun competition!

JANUARY                                               FEBRUARY                                                   MARCH                                              APRIL

Debbie Downing  1st         Darla Bostick 2nd                   Lynne Buchanan 1st     Debbie Ford 2nd                  Hugh Heaton 1st     Darla Bostick 2nd               Suzy Ware 1st     Bonnie Dunn 2nd

MAY                                                                SEPTEMBER                                                       OCTOBER                                                        

Iok-Hou Pang 1st                Rhonda Barefield 2nd                          Lynn Morgan 1st          John Nickell 2nd                       Valerie Carnston - 1st        Pat Banell

Painting of the Year - Lynn Morgan

2nd Place was Valerie Carnston

© 2024 Society Watercolor Artists, Inc.

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